Thursday, May 25, 2006

Much to report

I have a job interview tomorrow, in the new town. Which requires getting up really really really really early to depart the hometown, so that we can make the 11:00 time.

I'm nervous.

Then we go home and we pack. A lot. For the next 5 days. After that, the truck gets rented and we shove all the boxes in and move to the new town.

In case you were wondering, Nick has but one birthday sock. It's not because I got bored with sock knitting. It's because I don't have a ball winder and there was (understandably) much tut-tutting when the lys made a ball of the first hank of Lorna's Laces for me. After the dirty looks I decided that I would try my hand at well, hand winding. Ha. Of course, the hank I wound was for my socks. And I haven't successfully cast on for those yet. But Nick is happy with his sock. Excited. Can't wait for the other one. I don't think, however, that he's forgotten about the comforter cover that I've not finished in the three years since I've started it.

Light on the pictures around here. We'll all live. Oh, he's playing Freight Train by Elizabeth Cotten on the guitar. Going to go sit in that room.

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